Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Memories ....

I was on Facebook and saw my grand children's Easter baskets were posted. It stirred memories of my own childhood Easter's. Oh how my dad would have had fun with his great-grandkids. He had such an imagination. One year while we were living in the Orange County orange groves he went all out for Easter. To begin with our dog, King had caught a baby cotton tail rabbit a few months earlier and brought it to my dad. Being the builder he was he made a huge rabbit hutch, big enough for me to walk in! Every day I went inside to feed and play with him. They grow fast and Jack Rabbits love to jump and jump high! He was out growing the hutch and would soon need a new one. At least that was my plan, daddy had a different one.
Easter morning arrived and I quickly ran to the hutch ... it was full of eggs of every size and color, some even had my name on them. I was so excited it took me a minute to realize Big Feet (the rabbit) was gone. I cried out for my dad to help me find him but he was calmly standing there holding a letter from the rabbit. Yes, the rabbit could write, don't they all? As I remember he told me he was grown up and it was time for him to go with his family and deliver Easter Eggs to all the children. He would miss me a lot and thanked me for taking good are of him. There was a picture of him that he drew, he was wearing glasses and driving away in a pickup truck.
Oh how I cried, I was going to miss playing with him in his hutch, but like all kids I quickly forgot him and moved on to other critters.
Many years later daddy shared the truth. He turned Big Feet loose in the fields since he was wild and needed to be free, I agree ... now. The eggs of many sizes came from chickens, ducks and even geese, those were so big and so colorful. My dad loved to color eggs and he spent hours doing it, I so wish I had pictures of them now. Of course the letter and drawing done by Big Feet was actually my dad's work. Poor mom was once again in charge of egg dye clean up and a wonderful Easter meal.
For your viewing pleasure I am attaching a few pictures of our Easter this year. Mind you I have two big kids to hide eggs and make baskets for. My daughter and her boyfriend!
 They are both baseball fans so nothing else would do but Baseball Buckets!
Baseball Eggs are hidden ...
My little kids heading off to the game ....
 And finally, my final two kids - Joe and blog master Betsy!!
Happy Easter Folks!

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