Sunday, April 15, 2012

Catching Up!

With the grand children gone the house has fallen so quiet. Of course while they are here they have my undivided attention and all else falls to the way side. Now that I'm all alone again I have been busy catching up on my quilting projects. I picked up several pieces from the long arm quilter last week so now I'm busy cutting and attaching the binding.
 Some are already complete, while another is in process and three more need my full attention! I love to do the hand work at night while watching TV and sitting by the fire. Fortunately for me the nights have been so cold that a fire is a nice addition!
People ask me all the time "what do you do with all these quilts?" With the help of creative shop owners like Sheryl at the Temecula Quilt Co., magazines and my own unusual style I have fond a lot of places to house my quilted treasures!

One of my newest treasures has found it's way to a Longaberger basket sitting on my Noodle Board. I love how the bright daffodil yellow adds a touch of Spring in my kitchen.
Speaking of Longabeger .... lest us not forget that today is April 15th!! Tax day! In honor of you, the tax paying American I am offering any Longaberger products with NO tax due! Yep, I'll pay the tax on any orders placed today and tomorrow. Just notify me at if you would like to place an order!
Have a wonderful day.


  1. WOW!!! LOVE all of your quilts. I am jealous!!! LOL. The quilt on your noodle board looks fantastic.

  2. Thank you! Don't be jealous, you make some amazing quilts and other fun stuff as well! Blessings, Anita
