Friday, August 3, 2012

No more babies anymore ....

My first born will be celebrating her 34 birthday tomorrow. Since she will be out of town with friends we had her birthday last night. She picked her meal and dessert .... Salad with fresh berries, chicken and feta cheese, fresh artichokes and garlic bread. She is watching her calorie count so this was what she requested. It's interesting to think back on the meals she has requested over the years. The one the pops into my head was macaroni and cheese, apple sauce, strawberry jello and Baskin-Robbins ice cream cake for dessert!  Oh how I miss those days of silly meals and gifts of toys, makeup, and awful music. 
The presents are wrapped and ready for the birthday girl. The gifts this year are silly as well. She picked out a Hello Kitty suit case .... see it sitting in the back. Did I say she is 34????

Miss Betsy Ross had to be included in the opening ceremonies. She loves the ribbons and was really wanting one of her new mustaches. However, Tiffany was unwilling to share!

Here is one of the items from the baseball gifts ... a rubber ducky that looks like a baseball

Betsy has her ribbon, all is well in her world!

And Baseball Mickey Mouse ears. When she's not at the Angels baseball stadium you can find her at Disneyland, what a life!

Dessert ... a Skinny Cow drum stick with one candle. She is really sticking to that diet!! Happy birthday baby girl .. 
PS - There is an Angles baseball game on the TV  behind her ... such a surprise ....

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