Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Mom, A Friend, A Mimie

In the last few days I have been reminded that Mother's Day is rapidly approaching. Since the passing of my mom 11 years ago I have struggled with celebrating Mother's Day. 
My mom was the best. Granted, I didn't have any other mom to compare her to but I just know she was the best mom ever. Never a day passed in my life that I ever questioned the fact that she loved me, I always new she did. 
When I became a woman my mom became more then just my mom, she became my best friend as well. She knew all my hurts and sorrows and was always there to pick up the pieces when life knocked me down. We laughed and cried together, celebrated accomplishments and soothed each others disappointments. 
By the time she became and grandmother or Mimie as my kids called her I saw another dimension to my mom. For the first time I realized she could love someone as much perhaps even more then me, her grand babies! She always had time for them, she was never to busy to wipe a tear or a snotty nose. When I was overwhelmed with life she stepped in to shore me up without my asking.
Like me, my children always new they were loved, never did they doubt that their Mimie was unconditional with her love. Good days or bad days she loved all of us.
As Mother's Day arrives I am again reminded how important it is for my own children and grandchildren to know they are loved without conditions ....
Rest in Peace Mom, Friend and Mimie

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