Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dear Jane ...

If you are a Civil War quilter the name Dear Jane will either strike terror in your soul or bring joy to your heart! For me ... I am stuck somewhere in between.

My very sweet friend Paula sent the "Dear Jane" quilt book to me several months ago as a gift. The idea was the two of us were going to make this together long distance. Today my dear friend came by for lunch and a visit and we reviewed the book to see what we felt we could reasonably tackle to create a "Baby Jane" quilt. What is a baby Jane quilt??? This is when you take blocks of your choice and set them in a creative style of your own. The original Dear Jane quilt was created in 1863 by Jane Stickle. This amazing quilt uses 5,602 pieces of fabric to create 225 patterns! Right there is enough to make my heart stop inside my chest. But, the complexity of many of these blocks is overwhelming!!! AND keep in mind, this was all created entirely by hand! 
So lets move on and I will show you what Ms. Jane created so many years ago and what creative quilters today have done using her amazing work as inspiration.

This is a picture of the original Dear Jane quilt created in Vermont 1863

Quilter and designer Brenda Papadakis took inspiration from this Civil War time treasure and re-created every block into pattern form to allow quilters far and wide the ability to create their very own Dear Jane quilt.

My very own signed copy from Brenda!
This Baby Jane quilt was inspired by using the boarder triangle pieces ....

Another design from a quilter in Japan! 
 The creative uses of this 1863 inspired quilt are endless. What will Paula and I create?? Who knows, the more I look at it the more I tell myself "I can do this, even if I do just 10 or 20 of these treasure blocks I will be proud of myself!

Before I sign off for tonight I want to share and primitive heart Paula presented to me for Valentines Day 2014!!

My Heart of the Home!

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