May your Halloween be filled with spooky treats!!
Buzzards gotta eat! same as worms!!!!
4 hours ago
It has come to my attention that I have been blogging for close to 4 years, where has the time gone. With that in mind I felt it was time for an update as so many things have changed over the years! Along with my love of Longaberger I have a passion for quilting, crafting, family and day trips with my gal pals! I hope you enjoy your time here and please comment on things you love! Blessings, Anita
Around the corner from my house is this usually adorable home. For now is is crawling (literally) with spiders! Look at the giant one on the roof!! |
Along with the numerous spiders is a cemetery full of ghosts! Seriously, isn't that the cutest house ... if you can look past the creepy critters!! |
Inside my family room I have hung my Scardy Cat quilt and a few other fall colored quilts. This is about as scary as I like my decorations. |